At Kingsley, we keep a simple routine to help young children feel confident and secure. Once a week students also enjoy Co-Curricular classes in Art, Library, and Music, and twice each year we take field trips to somewhere special.
Arrival: Arrive at school and welcome the day! Shake hands and say hello. Hang up jacket and put belongings away.
Work Time: This is where purposeful learning takes place as the child practices the work cycle. The work cycle is when the child freely chooses or is guided towards a work from the shelf, receives a lesson or explores the work, and returns the work back to the shelf.
Snack: Snack is available for the children and they serve themselves independently. They prepare the snack. Pour water into cups. Slice bananas into sections. Put food on plates. Enjoy and then clean up.
Group Activities/Circle Time: Learn a new song or dance. Listen to stories together. Dig a really big hole in the sandbox or climb the wall in the Movement Room. Try a new food together.
Dismissal: Teachers support children to change their shoes, gather their belongings, and shake hands as they are dismissed to go home.